Happy Birthday Dear Frida,
You have been a part of my life for 40 years - and I have adored every moment.
Life would not have been the same without you.
Wishing you a wonderful Birthday full of love, joy & laughter.
With love, Always & Forever from Australia xxxx
Wow, can you believe our gorgeous Frida turns 70 today ?
To celebrate this momentous occasion, thousands of fans have sent Birthday messages through various channels - all of which are being delivered to Frida personally.
But also as a special gift for Frida, fans around the world have made donations to her foundation 'Kinder In Not' ('Children In Need)', which was founded by Frida and her good friend Dan Daniell.
The two main avenues for messages and donations were through the ABBA Intermezzo
International Fan Club and the Frida70 campaign run by Monique Hoevens and Evelyn Nuyens.
Funds raised were an amazing 4500 euro through Intermezzo, and a whopping 7455 euro
through Frida70 !
This doesn't include other avenues that fans donated.
What a fabulous gift for Frida - and for the children. Well done to all involved !
This image shows some of the messages that have been sent to Frida from Intermezzo and below
that is Frida's personal reply.
I know one of my messages is among those in this picture :)
My two personal Birthday messages to Frida:
"Dearest Frida,
Words can never truly express the love and respect that I
have had for you for the past 40 years – with ABBA, and without ABBA. I am not
like some other fans so I have never written to you before – although I have
wanted to, many times.
I feel blessed and privileged to have had the experience of
ABBA and yourself, in my life. I was one of the lucky ones to have been there
when ABBA Mania hit Australia – nothing else could ever compare.
My love has never faltered in all of these years – you entered
our hearts, our minds, and our souls – and have remained there ever since.
Your generosity towards the fans is a rare and special thing
– and I want you to know how deeply that is appreciated. We feel the love from
you – just as I hope you feel it from us. When you stood on that balcony at the
Melbourne Town Hall in 1977 in Australia with all the fans in the street, the
tears in your eyes did not go unnoticed. Your emotion towards fans made us love
you all the more.
You are a very special person – and you have been a major
part of my life. I am so grateful for that.
So on this most special occasion, your Birthday, I wanted to
say Thank You For The Music – and thank you for your heart.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday full of love, joy and
With the greatest of affection from Australia,
Roxanne Hodgson-Dickson"
"Dearest Frida,
My family and I have been watching you and adoring you since
1975 when the first ABBA film clip appeared on Australian television. We knew
we were seeing something very special – and we were definitely part of the ABBA
Mania that swept through Australia.
We watched every repeat of ‘The Best Of ABBA’ TV Special in
1976 – and my little sister and myself
learned every move from that show and would perform our version of the show for
our older sisters and their friends all the time.
We were there for your first Australian concert in Sydney in
1977 – Mum and four daughters. We happily stood in the rain – and chanted ‘We
want ABBA’. It was the most thrilling moment of our lives. We saw you fall and
were horrified that this would happen on an Australian stage ! Once we got over
the shock and concern for you, we were so impressed with your professionalism –
to get back up and continue as if nothing had happened was simply amazing. You
were brilliant ! And so stunningly beautiful J
We delighted in your personality, which shone through clearly
in every performance. We adored your beautiful, perfect, amazing voice. We thrilled at your energy, your vibrancy.
You always made us smile.
And now, 40 years later, nothing has changed. We still adore
you and you continue to bring joy and pleasure to our lives.
But more than that – we respect you – for your talent, your
graciousness, your generosity of heart. You have given so much – and you
continue to do so.
I can never fully express in words what you have meant to me
personally these last 40 years. Nothing else compares to the impact that you
and ABBA have had on me and my life. There are so many emotions wrapped up in
the memories – I still cry now when I watch ‘ABBA The Movie’ – happiness, love,
nostalgia, sadness, joy – all a part of the story.
I was blessed to have been there when you went ‘worldwide’ –
and I feel blessed to be here now – to be able to finally tell you just a
little of how I feel.
I want to tell you personally how wonderful you were – and
still are. You are an amazing woman – and I thank you from the bottom of my
heart for everything you have given us over the years.
Can you hear the drums ? They are our hearts – beating in
time with the music - and they have never stopped, here in Australia. You
touched our souls – and we have always felt that you belong to us. You became a
part of us – and will stay with us forever.
Wishing you an amazing 70th Birthday – full of
love, happiness, and laughter.
With love, always & forever
Roxanne Hodgson-Dickson & Family
Intermezzo fan messages |
Frida's message:
To all the generous members of the ABBA Intermezzo Fan Club,
Dear all,
To my birthday I received a list of donators to "Kinder in Not", and was
equally surprised and happy over your very generous gift.
It was the best birthday gift ever and both Urs and I send our heartfelt
thanks for a donation which will help kids in many ways, and when we have
decided which project to donate it to, we will of course let you know.
Also a warm thank you for all the lovely birthday cards and letters you've
sent me.
Much love to you all,
Frida xxx
I hope to add images from the Frida70 campaign here as well very soon.
A few of my favourite Frida images from her times in Australia to celebrate
this amazing woman on such a special Birthday !